
If you’re here, it’s likely because your website was recently hacked, and hundreds or thousands of spammy URLs were added to it without your knowledge. Don’t worry. Some ways help you remove URLs from google if your website is hacked.

You have cleaned your website thoroughly, having eliminated all malicious content. You also patched the security holes that allowed the hacking to occur. Still, Google has your URLs even though your site no longer ranks. The need for new leads coming in through your website is obviously costing you.

Various web admins consistently experience this issue. After a website hack, the webmaster will likely lose sleep over fixing the problem. The site must undergo extensive testing by a digital marketing agency to guarantee that all its pages and features function as intended and that no traces of hacking remain.

How To Find Out About Spam URLs?

Some hacking techniques involve making spam websites that appear to affiliate with your domain. You may see a “this site may be hacked” warning appear in the SERPs or receive an alert from Google Webmaster Tools.

Before trying to remove URLs from google, we need to find them. Using the following syntax, you can search your site in Google:


Up to a thousand URLs from your site will appear on the search engine results page. It’s a sign of a hack if you start seeing URLs you didn’t put there. They could be surprisingly offensive and varied, with words like “Cialis,” “dr_oz,” and “much worse” appearing.

Start Removing URLs From Google

The first step is to restore your site to a clean version. Suppose there is a significant increase in traffic or the number of URLs indexed for your site on a specific date. In that case, you can trace this back to the infection time using Webmaster Tools or Google Analytics data.

Restoring your site to a time before the infection is an excellent place to begin if you have been making regular backups. Despite the prevalence of security software and websites, not all hacks will be picked up. Understanding the origin or cause of an infection can be challenging.

Using Google’s safe browsing tool may help you determine if you have a detectable intrusion.

Creating files in an unprotected directory on your site is also one method of attack, as is the injection of obfuscated PHP code into your site’s core files or a vulnerable plugin.

*Consider hiring a professional SEO agency to remove URLs from google for you successfully. This is one of the crucial digital marketing services they offer.

Make a List of Your Website’s URLs:

Use URL List For Removal Request

According to Webmaster Tools, indexed URLs increased from the low hundreds to well over a thousand in the last case I worked on. Even though we were informed that Google had lifted its manual penalty, as of this writing, only around 800 had been uncovered through our various harvesting methods.

Like toxic gases rising from the bottom of a lake, more URLs could appear in the SERPs after a day or more, even under ideal conditions. It will take some time and persistence. Their rate of appearance ranges from 3 per day to 50 per day.

Get Help from a Macro to Remove URLs From Google

You must enter the removal requests one at a time. Still, this tedious task can be automated with the help of a macro tool like Quick Keys, Keyboard Maestro, or many other macro recording tools.

A Macro application switch between applications, replicate keystrokes and also replicate mouse clicks to avoid manually entering each URL into Google’s URL Removal request tool. Once the macro script has been developed (which may take some time), the actual data entry can be completed about once every 2 seconds. Most websites recover overnight and succeed to remove URLs from google just like that.

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