
Integrated marketing communication (IMC) refers to unifying marketing communication features, such as public relations, social media, audience analytics, business development regulations, and advertising, into a brand identity that stays constant across different media channels.

Why Integrate Marketing Channels?

You may consider your marketing the best thing in the world, but the reality is that pretty much everyone will forget it very fast if they only experience it once. To make an influence, you have to blend your messaging.

Have you ever wondered why McDonald’s is constantly advertising? Everyone knows who McDonald’s are. Everyone knows what McDonald’s offers, and there is one on every street corner.

What Are the Advantages of an Integrated Marketing Campaign?

Before investing in a marketing plan, you desire to guarantee it will be helpful. Here are a few reasons:

● Practical and cost-effective:

Two million impressions on social media are not something brands come by every day.

These campaigns also let users or potential customers do some marketing work for you. Don’t forget when we said interested customers waiting in line for the Snapchat Spectacles used their social media profiles to increase awareness. While the campaign might be an investment, the surrounding publicity comes for free. Most digital marketing services have a bonus you can never ignore.

These campaigns reduce costs by boosting multi-use materials. Videos, imagery, and copy can all be passed from one medium to another. This ensures consistency and keeps you from hiring designers for many jobs. It’s a straightforward way to save that no doubt makes a distinction in the end.

Further, united messages are more practical at improving return on investment than many disparate commercials or advertisements. Developing an integrated marketing campaign is similar to planning a themed birthday party. You create the original opinion, then brainstorm different ways to execute it.

● Integrated marketing is everywhere:

These days, advertisements are so in tune with our interests that they are almost creepy. Integrated marketing campaigns are helpful because they are everywhere. You can see the Snickers commercial on the TV between Friends episodes and during the Superbowl. After that, you see that commercial again, but with another celebrity.

It’s like when you hear a new pop song on the radio. At first, you may hate its repetition and lyrics. But after weeks, and months, of hearing it on your way to work every morning, you may tend to like that song. Next thing you know, you’re in the front row at that artist’s concert singing the lyrics to the music you once hated.

This is an extreme instance, but it’s pretty parallel to how consistent advertisements work on us. Although we didn’t rush out and buy the product the first time we see a commercial, our familiarity with it grows, and we are more likely to purchase it later. Most of the time we just step aside and analyze the data we got from digital marketing tools.

● IMC builds a relationship:

The integrated marketing campaign is about the customer. You’re attempting to build rapport with them, increase your brand awareness, and boost your reputation with the help of a good digital marketing agency. These campaigns get consumers talking about you in everyday conversation, similar to how one may mention coming across an old friend or watching a new movie that recently came out.

Conversations like these get your consumers talking about the human features of advertising campaigns. How they felt and the things they thought—these reactions are aiding you to grow closer to your consumer. Your campaign makes an image and a reputation, and consumers can decide how they feel about it.

Further, this integrated strategy creates trust between you and your customers. Think back to your school days. Your parents had some rules, your teachers had a set of rules, and your principals had their own set of rules. When these rules are somewhat similar, it’s much easier for children to follow.


IMC lets public and private organizations and businesses deliver an engaging and seamless consumer experience for a product and service and optimize an organization’s image and relationship with stakeholders. Strategies, marketing specialists, public relations directors, brand managers, digital media associates, social media marketers, and other professionals can create, execute, and track multi-channel advertising and communication messages that target and influence specific audiences.

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